How to use Poloxy

HTTP API to send alerts

Endpoint: POST /v1/item


Key Type Default Description
name String - Name of alert. Used for message title. Should be unique in “group” to distinguish from others.
group String default Group to categorize alerts. Nested groups are supported with delimiter /.
level Integer 1 Alert level. Higher is severer. Recommended to be lower than 10.
type String - Method to deliver message to recipients
address String - Recipient address
message String - Message body of alert
misc JSON - Additional parameters for message

Available Delivery Types


Extends HttpPost to convert message.body to JSON format which is suitable for Slack Incoming WebHooks API.


Sends e-mail through configured SMTP server.
This type treats message.address as mail-to.

You can add some additional parameters as misc contents:

key example description
mail.from "[email protected]" From of mail "[email protected],[email protected]" Cc of mail
mail.bcc "[email protected],[email protected]" Bcc of mail


Raw HTTP POST method which posts message.body as request body.

Examples of cURL Requests


curl -X POST -d '{
    "name": "CPU",
    "group": "generic/system-resource",
    "type": "Slack",
    "level": "3",
    "address": "",
    "message": "CPU is WARNING 50%"


curl -X POST -d '{
    "name": "Error Rate",
    "group": "web/rails-app",
    "type": "Mail",
    "level": "5",
    "address": "[email protected],[email protected]",
    "message": "Error Rate is Over 5%",
    "misc": {
        "mail": {
            "from": "[email protected]",
            "cc": "[email protected]",
            "bcc": "[email protected]"


You can use bin/poloxy-cli for some manual tasks.

Run poloxy-cli help [command] to see usage.

Purge expired data

# purge older than PERIOD
poloxy-cli purge [--[t]ime=PERIOD]

Default PERIOD is determined by config param data.default_keep_period.